Eating Disorder Recovery: The Connection to Sex and Intimacy
People recovering from an eating disorder struggle to feel happy, experience pleasure, and find joy in their relationships. Typically, they also struggle with arousal, sexual pleasure, and relational intimacy during the active and early recovery phases of their disorder. Some can experience pleasure while lacking in relational intimacy; many others have varying degrees of emotional and relational intimacy. There […]
Me Too: Big “T” vs. Little “t” Trauma: Fact and Perception
The “Me Too” movement exploded in October 2017. Its intent was, and remains, to awaken people to the widespread prevalence of sexual harassment, misconduct and sexual abuse routinely occurring in the workplace. As an eating disorder specialist, woman and mother, the news of the movement was met with enthusiastic relief, yet concern. Most of the female patients […]
Mothers, Eating Disorders, and Histories of Trauma
There are numerous articles addressing the contemporary struggles for parents who have children with eating disorders. Many of the research and clinical articles are specific to mothers who have daughters with eating disorders. Eating disorders among females remain significantly disproportionate to males at a rate of 9 to 1. More research is becoming available regarding […]
When Food Is Food, When Sex Is Sex
Food and sex are a means unto their own; their motivations are pure, primary. Food tastes great, and sex is pleasurable. Both food and sex, as a general rule, are engaged in with others, although eating alone and masturbation also qualify as fun and gratifying. Sometimes both food and sex are used as vehicles and substitutions for […]
Cause and Cure of Eating Disorders
The question, “What causes and cures eating disorders” has been replaced in the last decade or so by, “What are the variables that contribute to the development of eating disorders and what does recovery look like.” Treatments for eating disorders vary in efficacy. Variability and inconsistencies in research outcomes are more usual than not. There […]
Changing the Tide for the Severely Ill Eating Disordered
Eating disorders have the highest mortality of any mental health condition. I have treated a number of patients who have been on death’s door from the medical consequences of an eating disorder. I have treated a smaller number of eating disorder patients who have sought my help following suicide attempts. My experience in dealing with patients […]
Furthering the Discussion on FAT: Fear Not
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study in 2012 on peoples’ dietary habits and overall energy expenditure. The study compared three diets—low fat, low GI (Glycemic Index*,) and low carbohydrate. A daily intake, respective to each diet, was distributed among calories derived from fat, protein and complex and simple carbohydrates. The […]
Recovery and Fulfillment in Loss and Longing:
When the symptoms of an eating disorder are a sufferer’s go to “healer,” little or nothing else will interfere with the snake oil elixir they provide. Psychological and relational distress are easily masked and relieved by the preoccupation with food, purging, restriction and the pursuit of the perfect body. Choosing to recover brings initial relief from the […]
Sexual Liberalism and Body Image Acceptance
Education and prevention efforts in eating disorders have influenced change in the public mindset regarding body image perceptions and promoting healthier standards of beauty. The roller coaster road of weight expectations and the ideal body size and shape over the past century is well documented in various journal and media outlets. Size 12 for women in the 1940’s […]
Eating Disorders: How Far We Have Come
In 20ll, I authored a book: When Food is Family: A loving guide to heal eating disorders. Among one of the very first professional comments I received on one significant eating disorder professional message board was from a local colleague. The criticism of my book was strong and accusations made that I was turning back the eating disorder […]